Our Matrix Teen Company is on hold at this time, our deepest apologies. Please feel free to contact our Director of Education at ajohnson@matrixtheatre.org or 313-967-0999 extension 6 for details about what youth class works for you!

 ​About the Teen Company
The Matrix Teen Company consists of high school students from the Detroit area who write, produce, and act in a full season of plays each year that draws attention to crucial community issues. Past productions have addressed issues such as bullying, the public education system, immigration, gang violence, and much more. Instructors and students of the Matrix Teen Company have hosted and led workshops, residencies, and performances in and around southeastern Michigan.
 ​Join the Teen Company!
If you are interested in coming for an audition, or if you need more information about what the Matrix Teen Company is all about, call 313-967-0999, extension 3! Visit Matrix Teen Company's Facebook page here!